Getting you everywhere you need to be! Shop insurers to get the best coverage at a price that meets your budget. SteelKey Insurance works with all of the top carriers in the business. Scroll down to get started!

Auto Insurance Form

The Highway to Auto Insurance Savings
When it comes to owning a vehicle, there are many risks that can damage your automobile. From reckless driving to your daily commute wearing the car down, damage can happen. Because of the risks involved with driving, every state has a minimum requirement of auto insurance coverage for all automobiles on the road. SteelKey Insurance LLC will help you find the perfect coverage that meets your state’s requirements.
What Does Auto Insurance Cover?

Maryland State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $30,000 per person
- $60,00 total injury
- $15,000 property damage

Pennsylvania State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $15,000 per injury per person
- $30,000 total injury
- $5,000 property damage

Missouri State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $25,000 per person
- $50,000 total injury
- $10,000 property damage

Texas State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $30,000 per person
- $60,000 total injury
- $25,000 property damage

Ohio State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $25,000 per person
- $50,000 total injury
- $25,000 property damage

Virginia State Minimum Insurance Coverage
- $25,000 per person
- $50,000 total injury
- $20,000 property damage
Find Out More About Quality Auto Insurance Coverage
Additional coverage is not something to shy away from. Any damage that is done to the driver that exceeds these amounts leaves the driver responsible for the difference. This can result in financial hardships for vehicle owners.
Optional policies can include:
- Under/Uninsured Motorist –This is protection in the event that someone hits your car that does not have enough insurance to cover the expense of the repairs.
- Collision and Comprehensive – These cover damage to your vehicle regardless of fault. As well as non-collision damage caused by covered events, theft, hail, or vandalism.
Finding the right coverage for your vehicle does not have to be a chore. Contact SteelKey Insurance LLC for information regarding your quote today! Don’t forget to try our online rating tool for quotes on auto insurance from home.